
Frivolous lawsuits and their impact on professional ethics

June 8, 2023
A webinar presented by the IBA Professional Ethics Committee, supported by the IBA Litigation Committee

Lawsuit-mongers have always been around. In a multipolar and divided world, however, there seems to be a greater risk that courts and the judicial process may be misused for one’s personal agenda. This webinar discusses how digitalisation and the separation of societies are having an impact on this issue and analyses how courts from around the world have begun to respond. Further, the webinar will discuss how the role and professional boundaries of the attorneys involved are affected.

The webinar will explore:

• what is a frivolous lawsuit?

• sedes materiae de lege lata;

• the impact of digitalisation and multipolarity on frivolous lawsuits;

• case law; and

• the impact of frivolous lawsuits on attorneys’ ethical boundaries.

Time: 1:00 PM -2:00 PM

Prices: Free for IBA members & Non-members.

Certificate of Attendance

Certificates of attendance for this webinar are only available to IBA members. IBA members who have attended the live broadcast for more than 30 minutes based on verified sign-in and sign-out times will be sent a certificate to the email address provided at the time of registration. Certificates can only be issued to the name provided at the time of registration.

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